zaterdag 19 februari 2011

me nd my poor little brother.(L)

Lovely bloggers!, im sorry that i havent more to post , here is my Good reason ; Today my brother was laying in the hospital! , The story : i was working from 9 till 5 . then my mother called me , mirjam your brother is in the hospital, nd you need to come home , so i came home nd we were driving to the hospital i just got back , nd there he was Poor little Boy , in so much pain.. he plays football nd someone kicked him on the leg, now the leg is broken in two places , he was in so much pain i feel so sorry for him :( so i have no outfit of today nd i post this Post from my Blackberry so these are the only pics i have of me nd my brother, so you girls / guys now that i Diddnt had time nd this story nd this post is dedicated to my lovely Brother! Love him SO much! my #1 friend , Brother He got it all! Tomorrow when im on my Computer im gonna comment All of yall back! its so much! now 45 nd im SO SO Happy! LOVEYALL Xo mir

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Ah wat erg, op 2 plaatsen gebroken jeetje jouw familie heeft alleen paar pijn deze weeek!
    En hoe gaat met jouw pijn? Wij wensen jullie beide veel sterkte!! En een lieve zus die racet wel naar het ziekenhuis!

    Wat een poepiees waren jullie, toen jullie klein waren!! (Wij dachten dat je broertje 12 was ofzo haha)

    Hazal heeft haar eerste stuk van de buurtkrant op onze blog gepost! Neem maar een kijkje als het rustig is na alle comments te beantworden :P!

    XoXo H&C

  2. ahh I hope he gets better soon :) cute pictures of you two !

  3. I also habe a brother. It's so nice to have one!

    new post:New experience - macro&
    follow me

  4. Oh no, I'm sorry for him! I play football too and I know what he's going throug... I hope he's ok soon

  5. Beautiful as always, especially when you were still a baby!

    have a nice day,
    jos xx

  6. Sorry for him!

  7. oooch that old picture is so cute, lovely post x
